Tuesday, 14 June 2011

University Tote Bag

My university set a competition brief to design a graphic for one side of a tote bag to promote the university’s Communication Design course at education fares around the world. My design is based on the concepts of synchronisation and working together to better our futures – like cogs in a clock. This reflects the wide range of national and international students who come together to learn at the University of Huddersfield.

Yellow Bird Project

Charity organisation Yellow Bird Project set a competition brief to develop a piece of fan art. Up to six winners from the brief would then be chosen to work on an advertising campaign for the charity. My idea, ‘Yellow Bird Kingdom’, comes from two key elements of the charity: the company’s perception of itself as a ‘tree of creativity’ and the tight-knit community of Yellow Bird Project volunteers – the inhabitants comfortably nested in the ‘tree of creativity’.

Penguin Book Cover

A supporting brief to my university final major project, the scope was to design a cover image for a Penguin blank cover title, assigned at random. I was given Lewis Carroll’s classic ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’. The final piece is both a graphical representation of the iconic rabbit hole and a visual lure to capture attention and draw the beholder into the story.

YCN: The Big Issue

For my final major project at university I chose a pre-written brief from a shortlist of choices for entry into this year’s YCN Student Awards. I chose the brief I felt would challenge me the most – the Big Issue. The outcome needed to attract people to support the Big Issue and shed a different light on some of the stereotypes often associated with the charity. My final piece was a viral stop-motion animation showing a real flat covered entirely in cardboard, with the cardboard stripping back to reveal the fixtures, fittings and walls underneath. This is a metaphor for self-improvement and making something out of nothing – values the Big Issue encourages in its vendors.

D&AD: The Partners

My class was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to work on briefs set by D&AD, with potential winners being allowed to exhibit at the awards event in London. I chose the Partners brief, which asked for a branding of, and promotional materials for, a hospital-based travelling art gallery. I developed the concept of The O.I. (The Outside. Inside.) to bring a sense of therapy and escapism for patients visiting the gallery. Use of scents and textures of the outdoors complement, and bring curious visitors to, the art on display.

Sirio Color

At university, our first industry brief was set by Design Project Leeds’ James Littlewood. The scope of the brief was to promote Fedrigoni UK’s ‘Sirio Color’ paper range to young creative designers. My final piece for the project is a stop-motion animation made completely from paper. The forest objects and animals shown throughout are representative of the different colours and weights of paper Sirio offers.

The piece has since been featured and acknowledged on the Fedrigoni website: